What can you do if you are sexually harassed at work?
• Australian Human Rights Commission
If you, or someone else, is in immediate danger you should call the police on 000. If there is no immediate danger but you or someone else needs police assistance, phone 131 444. |
This factsheet contains information about:
- What to do if you are sexually harassed at work
- Counselling and mental health services
- Seeking advice about workplace rights and making a complaint
- Reporting workplace sexual harassment
There is no one right way to respond to sexual harassment, just like there is no wrong way to respond. We all react to stress and trauma differently.
Remember, if you are sexually harassed at work, it is not your fault.
If you are sexually harassed at work there are a number of things you can do, on your own, or with help from others.
For more information, visit 'Get help' or download the factsheet.